How To Make DIY Body Glitter Gel: Quick And Easy - Simply Soraya Skincare (2025)

Love body glitter gel? Looking for something cheap and easy to make that looks cool and will also moisturise your skin? Look no further! This DIY body glitter gel is perfect for anyone, young or old, that wants some glittery goodness on their skin!

While I personally haven’t worn glitter gel in a long time, I used to love wearing it in my clubbing days. And now that I am a mum, it’s made a comeback in my house. My kids love putting some on for any excuse really 🙂

The amount of chemicals in body glitter can be alarming though. I don’t know why so many things have to be added to something that can be so simple.

So I decided to learn how to make glitter gel to avoid this.

How To Make DIY Body Glitter Gel: Quick And Easy - Simply Soraya Skincare (1)Pin

This turned out to be a good move as it’s easy to do this with just two ingredients. In fact, it’s probably the easiest recipe I have ever made! And the result is a great, moisturising DIY body shimmer.

Sound good?

Below, I share everything you need to know to learn exactly how to make body glitter gel including why it’s a good idea and full details about the two ingredients you need.

Then get started making it. It’s great!

Have any questions? Make sure you ask in the comments below!

Table of Contents

What Is Body Glitter?

Body glitter is simply a gel with glitter in it that you can apply to your skin to make it look glittery 🙂

It’s perfect for special occasions, music festivals, clubbing or dress ups. My younger kids love it as well.

Note that you can’t just put regular glitter on you as it’ll just fall off. You need something to make it stick which is where this DIY glitter gel comes in.

Why Make Gel Body Glitter?

There are many reasons you may want to learn how to make body glitter. Here are some!

It’s Cheap Body Glitter

It’s cheap to make this body glitter. Cheaper than what you are likely to be able to buy it for (and it’s full of goodness!).

It’s So Quick And Easy (And Fun)

This must be one of the simplest recipes in the world 🙂 It’s super easy to make and fun too. I’m not sure we ever grow too old to have fun with glitter!

How To Make DIY Body Glitter Gel: Quick And Easy - Simply Soraya Skincare (2)Pin

It Looks Great (And You Can Also Put It In Your Hair)

This recipe also makes a glitter gel that works well and looks great. Glitter, anyone?!

A bonus is that you can also put this in your hair. Aloe vera gel (the main ingredient) can be very beneficial for your hair so not only will it look cool, this hair and body glitter will be treating it at the same time.

This Homemade Body Glitter Is Very Moisturising

The main ingredient is aloe vera gel (on eBay) which is great for skin (and hair).

While best known as being great for sunburn, it’s also great for non-sunburned skin and will moisturise your skin whether it’s dry or oily. More below about the benefits!

Ingredients You Need For Glitter Body Gel

This is just a two ingredient body glitter gel so you don’t need much! Just aloe vera gel, glitter and a container to put your gel in.

Aloe Vera Gel

How To Make DIY Body Glitter Gel: Quick And Easy - Simply Soraya Skincare (3)Pin

Aloe vera gel is the gel in this glitter gel.

Aloe vera gel is derived from the leaves of aloe vera plants. You can make it yourself or (much more easily) buy it. Buy one that has not got other ingredients added to make this as natural and beneficial as possible.

Buy it in the US on Amazon now | Buy it in Australia now.

Aloe vera gel has been used for thousands of years for healing and softening skin. It’s well known as a great treatment for sunburn and also works on other minor burns too as well as small cuts and abrasions. It can form an antibacterial barrier.

Less generally realised is what a good moisturising treatment it is for skin in general. It absorbs easily making it ideal for oily or dry skin. It’s soothing and nice to apply too.

It contains many nutrients, vitamins and minerals that your skin will love.

Live in the US? Click here to buy aloe vera gel on Amazon now.

Live in Australia? Click here to buy aloe vera gel on Amazon now.


How To Make DIY Body Glitter Gel: Quick And Easy - Simply Soraya Skincare (4)Pin

Obviously, you can’t have glitter gel without glitter 🙂

You can choose what type of glitter to add depending on your needs. For example, if you want a chunky glitter gel, add a glitter which is chunkier. If you want blue body glitter, buy blue.

It’s also worth buying makeup grade glitter which is likely to be nicer to your skin.

I recommend always using biodegradable glitter to be environmentally friendly.

Buy it in the US on Amazon now | Buy it from Australian eBay now.

Note if you are looking for edible body glitter, it is possible to buy edible body dusts that you could use. Aloe vera gel is generally safe for consumption too and can have some benefits. You may want to consider this if you want glitter gel for your lips.

Live in the US? Click here to buy glitter on Amazon now.

Live in Australia? Click here to buy glitter on eBay now.


How To Make DIY Body Glitter Gel: Quick And Easy - Simply Soraya Skincare (5)Pin

Finally, you need some type of container to keep your DIY body glitter in. You just need something airtight which you can seal easily. You’ll also want to make sure that it’s easy to insert a finger or makeup brush to get some glitter gel out so you can apply it.

For gifts, we buy a set of makeup jars to easily distribute the gel. They are surprisingly cheap.

Live in the US? Click here to buy makeup jars on Amazon now.

Live in Australia? Click here to buy makeup jars on eBay now.

Where To Buy These Ingredients In Australia

It’s easy to buy all ingredients listed here in Australia.

Online is definitely the easiest place to find everything you need.

Both Amazon Australia and eBay have them available. Above, I have linked to whichever place you can get the best deal. You can also click here to shop on eBay now or click here to shop on Amazon Australia.

Where To Buy These Ingredients In The US

It’s super easy to buy everything you need on Amazon.

Click here to buy them now.

How To Make DIY Body Glitter Gel

How To Make DIY Body Glitter Gel: Quick And Easy - Simply Soraya Skincare (6)Pin

Now it’s time for the good bit – making the glitter gel! This part is very easy.

You really just need to mix the ingredients and you are done. Follow the recipe below.

How To Make DIY Body Glitter Gel: Quick And Easy - Simply Soraya Skincare (7)

DIY Body Glitter Recipe


Prep Time:3 minutes

Total Time:3 minutes

This quick and easy body glitter recipe looks great. You can double or half the amounts below depending on how much gel you want to make.


  • 1/3 cup of Aloe Vera Gel
  • 1 teaspoon of Glitter
  • Container


  1. Add the gel and glitter to a small bowl
  2. Mix well
  3. Put it in your container
  4. Enjoy!

How To Use Body Glitter

It’s easy to learn how to apply body glitter because all you need to do is stick a finger (or makeup brush) in your jar of glitter gel and then rub it on your skin where you want it. Done!

It can also be used in your hair.

How To Make DIY Body Glitter Gel: Quick And Easy - Simply Soraya Skincare (8)Pin


So there you have it. You now know exactly how to make your own body glitter. I hope it looks and feels awesome and you enjoy being glittery 🙂

Want to make moisturising lip balm that feels fantastic? Find my recipe here. I also highly recommend you check out my great foot balm here. You can find more quick and easy DIY recipes here.

Ask any questions below! I love to hear from other skincare makers.

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How To Make DIY Body Glitter Gel: Quick And Easy - Simply Soraya Skincare (2025)
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Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

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Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.